Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Convenient Uses for Car Paint Masking Tapes

Masking tapes is an adhesive that has a lot of practical applications in our everyday life. Not only used in painting cars, it comes in a variety of widths which makes it very adaptive to any kind of project you can put it to. It is mostly used in painting because of the capacity of the adhesive to protect surfaces without leaving residue. It comes in different strengths depending on your needs. We list down some conventional and unconventional uses for masking tapes.

1.       Car Paint Jobs
Painting a car requires a lot of time and preparation. Part of this preparation is using car paint tape to ensure that the paint stays where it should. You can protect windows, metal trimmings, lights, and wheels from getting paint all over them. Another great thing about car masking tapes is that it allows for careful paint detailing. With thinner widths, paint jobs can become more precise and more cost-effective. With the wider variety, you can protect bigger areas of your automotive from paint. These adhesives can withstand heat, chemicals, and moisture making it resilient enough for car painting conditions. Pro tip: make sure you get high-quality tape.

2.       Arts and Crafts
A not-so-secret hack of craft enthusiasts is to use automotive tape to protect their art projects. It can be useful when working with paint and glue. The strength of paint masking tape is excellent for keeping delicate parts safe from paint, glue, or other elements. Art projects can remain clean worry-free. There are plenty of applications you can use because of the adhesive’s strength. It is ideal to use for children’s art projects, which can get really messy, due to its resilience. Plus, it doesn’t damage delicate surfaces like paper.

3.       House Paint Jobs
A trend in interior design is ditching the wallpaper and painting your walls instead. Chevron, stripes, and other similar patterns are becoming more popular for house renovations. It is an efficient and economical way to paint your home. It also protects surfaces you don’t want paint on and it can also act as a stencil. With multiple widths available, you can follow different patterns for your walls.

4.       Around the House
For a lot of people renovating your home means mess and dust. If you are renovating your home, you will want to protect parts of your home from dust and paint. Most contractors do this by covering delicate surfaces with tape and newspaper or plastic. It makes it so much easier for them to protect surfaces from dust and any other elements that are around your house. A relatively cheap investment to save your precious furniture.

A great thing about automotive masking tape is that it doesn’t leave a sticky residue that most adhesives do. It does cost a little bit more than traditional masking tapes but results will be well worth it.

Do you have other uses for tape aside from the uses stated above? Do let us know in the comments below. We’d love to hear your sticky tips. 

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